Welcome to Huangjie Zheng’s Homepage

I am currently a 5th-year Ph.D. candidate in statistics at the University of Texas at Austin, within the Department of Statistics and Data Sciences. I work with Professor Mingyuan Zhou. I am now a research intern at AML team, Bytedance Inc, working with Jianbo Yuan, Quanzeng You, Guanghan Ning and Hongxia Yang. Previously I was a research intern at Microsoft, where I work with Pengcheng He, Weizhu Chen and Chunyuan Li.

I am on job market this year. Please feel free to reach out if you are intersted about my reserches.

Research: My main research interests lie in Deep Bayesian Learning, in mutually enriching the Bayesian and deep learning methods. My recent researches focus on exploring deep generative models and representation learning methods, with applications to image generation, self-supervised learning, etc.

Previous Education: I received my Bachelor and Master’s Degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), under the supervision of Prof. Ya Zhang. I worked as a research assistant in Cooperative Medianet Innovation Center(CMIC), where I had good fortune to work with Jiangchao Yao, Xu Chen and Ivor Tsang. At that time, my research mainly focused on deep generative models, especially on Variational AutoEncoders (VAEs) and relevant applications. I was also a research intern at JHU, working with Lingxi Xie, Alan Yuille on exploring the effects of generative models on computer vision problems.

I was also in a sino-french education program, cooperating with the French “Grande Ecole” system; I have stayed in France at Institut Polytechnique de Paris and Telecom ParisTech. During my study in France, I worked with Prof. Talel Abdessalem in Network and Computer Science Department (INFRES) in Deep Bayesian Learning with application to deep matrix factorization.